Monday, October 13, 2008

Overnewsed but Uninformed


so i don't speak german (as i learned incontestably while in berlin this summer). and thus, i had to rely on google translator to translate the page for me:

"News mediation was the beginning of our century still a few media is limited. ... With the possible anytime access to news about a variety of communication channels has a broad media landscape with a myriad of information producers and suppliers develop. For the viewer, it becomes more difficult to determine authenticity of messages. You are looking for sources to whom they can trust.

Overnewsed but Uniformed helps in the search. Sequences are described, ownership and dependencies disclosed and user behavior illustrated. Background information and the monitoring and analysis of the real message of a bridge no fall in Minneapolis convey the basis on whic the Chamber News better assess and categorize can."

from what I gather, its an infovis of the news-media industry.

can be downloaded (in german) from

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