Monday, December 24, 2007

i miss the subway

nyc subway - 1964

nyc subway - 1964

nyc subway - 1972

nyc subway - 1972
designed by Massimo Vignelli

ny subway cover - 1972

ny subway cover - 1972

from design observer:

"In 1968, Unimark International was commissioned to design a sign system for the subways, and out of this chaos came order. Two Unimark designers, Bob Noorda and Massimo Vignelli, developed a signage plan based on a simple principle: deliver the necessary information at the point of decision, never before, never after. [...] Out with the complicated tangle of geographically accurate train routes. No more messy angles. Instead, train lines would run at 45 and 90 angles only. Each line was represented by a color. Each stop represented by a dot. What could be simpler?"

nyc subway - 2005

nyc subway - 2005

nyc subway -- 2007

nyc subway -- 2007

nyc subway - blank template!

nyc subway - blank template!
this makes me happy. and terrified.

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